Little Man's Birth Story

On Saturday August 15, 3 days before my due date I went to my Saturday personal training session. I trained hard and even had fun doing so. I was breaking into a trot in one boxing exercise we were doing.

After class I was SO hungry I was shaking as I drove home. I got home and crammed everything I could in my face. Everything including some odd yogurt orange smoothie totally artificial stuff I found at the grocery the night before went in my big pregnant belly.

I passed out and napped after that and spent all day having light contractions - not bad, premenstrual but distinct and with no pattern. Well that was the story of my labor.

My water broke in bed at 1:40 in the morning. Everything I read in What to Expect when Expecting dumped with it...I panicked and called the doctor and went to the hospital. The doctor told me I could eat and shower...I said hell no...I am going in, because the fluid was gold (poo in my belly).

Apparently the poo in your belly is no concern, it just means the baby is mature. I went on to labor from .5 cm to 4 cm naturally and got the epidural out of fear more than need...and then delivered my true love after 23.5 total hours. He had the cord wrapped around his neck and had swallowed a lot of the poo. They took him over and worked on him for 20 minutes before giving him to me. This was SCARY.

As they worked on my love, I knew he would be great because he is a fighter and something in me said no need to worry. Little man had a big cone head and was 7lbs 12 oz 22 inches long. He was born August 17th 12:53 am. I am just so so so in love with my little man.