Friday, June 25, 2010


Okay so I admit that I am a complainer. That is the first step right? I love hating things and complaining. I know it makes me seem like a downer but I swear I am not. I just like to complain. Really when stuff isn't that bad. Okay I am not the person who goes out to eat and doesn't like anything, or the person who talks poorly of all her friends. I complain at work alot. I can't help it. Honestly, nothing against work, but I just don't like to do it. I think because I am secretly lazy. Yes, I know this is funny, since I am always on the go, and really into working out. So I guess the first step is admitting it.

I would say I would try not to be the complainer type, but that would be a bold face lie. So I am not going to say that. I am just going to admit the truth. I am that girl.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Brand New Ad Network

So I am joining an ad network to help monetize this blog and make a little dough. The new ad network is just starting up and it is at: It is ads that are pay per sale, so I would only get paid if a sale resulted from seeing an ad at my blog. There are cookies in place so that the shopper only has to encounter the ad at my blog, and then I get credit for the sale. It is pretty exciting that something like this is starting up for bloggers.

My friend and fellow marketer is the girl setting the whole thing up so I said I would give her some shouts on my blog - so here it is. Try it out...sign if you are interested, and pass it along. I am pretty sure that there will be alot of interest in these ads. They are going to be cute and pretty mom focused. If you are interested you can also email her at Just let her know you heard about the new ad network she is starting from Marketinggurl!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OMG Overwhelmed

I am so overwhelmed. I feel like I have no time at all, and it hasn't even been a week. Honestly, there is a peacefulness to the week. Taking my son to swim or to music class during the week is just nice. The weekend has to be shared with everyone and everything. I hate it.

Okay so I know I am just a complainer. I know I know! The only thing I am motivated to do at this point is push super hard on owning by own business. More to come on this...

In the meantime, I am struggling to find time to workout and just have me time. I love being with my little man too, and I miss him like crazy.

I know the superficial side of me is still here! I did get some new clothes to feel better! There she is!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Please don't t hate me

Please don't judge, but I am getting a cleaning service and going back to work full time. You see, I know this is counter to all the things I want in be self employed and staying home with my baby (and future ones) but I am just not there yet. I know all of you have been there with me through the ups and downs and postpartum mess that I was.

I know that I haven't been posting that much lately and this is in part why I have not been writing as much. It isn't because I have been busy working. My first week back is really this week. It is because to write the post about going back full time is admitting it to myself.

I am so conflicted that I am leaving my little one...but I know all the mom's out there understand the conflict. At times I question if this conflict just exists no matter what when you have a kid.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Petite Monkey - Baby Boy's Boutique

So I can't go long without a project. My latest and greatest is helping a friend with Petite Monkey which is a baby boutique that carries only boy clothing. Finally a boutique for boys! My friend is starting it up for the extra money. She keeps a low inventory and is picking some adorable stuff. So my 2 cents and promotion for my friend here: Check out the Boutique!! I also have placed an ad for her in my side bar, so click on through and support a mommy business.

In other news, it is hands down 100% amazing out here these days. Sun is out, and the baby guns are out. I got the little man a couple outfits at Carter's to bare those baby arms of his, and I am sporting the flip flops and loving it.

I need to get back into posting and commenting, but at least I am checking in an letting the blogsphere know that I am not slacking or anything, just enjoying the life with the little man!