Sunday, October 5, 2008

I found BigFoot...

What is better than Sunday morning coffee and blog time? Finding BIGFOOT, yes you read this correctly, I am talking about a live massive Sasquatch.

Granted I am sure men find the amount of time women shop - unbelievable, but I am pretty sure that only a man created this website. I find this absolutely unbelievable. Clearly some very smart people spent time making this site. It says right at the top:

"this comprehensive database of credible sightings and related reports is maintained by an all-volunteer network of bigfoot/sasquatch researchers, archivists, and investigators"

Researchers, archivists and investigators are smart people. If you live in Washington, you may have very well, seen Bigfoot yesterday. Bigfoot has over 442 sitings in Washington. There are sightings all over the US. There is no possible way that all these people are crazy. These people not only saw Bigfoot, but they entered the data into the database for all of us to see.

Proof - Bigfoot exits. I am glad I know I am not crazy.


Unknown said...

I have had multiple sightings of bigfoot myself, I see him every morning and every evening...oh wait, that's my husband with the boats for feet!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Wow, I never new that there was a BigFoot site! However, I have never see him! By the way, love the blog!

Mrs. Buck said...

I live in Washington, but havent spotted him yet, I'll have to look harder I guess :-)

amy (metz) walker said...

Who knew?

secretlyfree said...

I totally believe that he or SHE could exist!!!

Mojito Maven said...

have i been living under a rock? it appears so haha