Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Blog Day

Yeah it is Sunday morning and our little family of 3 has Sunday traditions. We call this bacon Sunday. Yes, I eat a small bowl of cereal, some coffee, and 3 slices of bacon every Sunday. We started little things like this when I had the baby - little routines we could all count on to make things predictable. We read "Good Night Moon" before bed. Little man and I watch the Today Show in the morning things like that.

Today we are also going to a cookout. I love friends with children - not forgetting my single friends - love them too, but friends with children have cookouts that start at 4 - eat at 5 and home by it.

Well - now my favorite part of blogging...reading what everyone else is up too...

1 comment:

*~Dani~* said...

I love traditions! I still fondly remember when I was a child and we would go to Sunday mass at 10:00 a.m. and then out to breakfast. The breakfast tradition was my favorite part. Good idea to keep family traditions. They make for good memories and good times.

Our tradition right now seems to be my cooking, and I use that term loosely. If no cooking, Sunday has become pizza night.