Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I think that Yahoo with their pretty picture and features on the homepage should be banned at work.  Seriously.  I looked today and there was an article about deserted beaches.  Seriously yahoo?!  I want to be on the beach so badly - and it doesn't even have anything to do with anything other than the beauty and sereneness.  I swear work will be the end of me.  It is so stressful.  I would give anything to just pick up and move to the coast with my baby, husband, and computer.  I would just blog by the sea.  Wouldn't that be the dream?!  My adsense bringing home the bacon.

Then again do you think I would be a boring blogger?!  Who wants to read all day about the perfect blogger who sits on the beach all day?  I sort of like reading about poop mishaps and work blunders.  So I guess all in all it isn't so bad.  Plus by husband always says that we should never live where we vacation.  I completely don't understand that - but if I convince myself it would make me boring...well then I guess I could agree.

But the people in Key West who roam and just stay there always look so happy and tan!

1 comment:

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Hell, no, you're not a boring blogger! In fact, I have given you awardssss at my site - will be up in a few. They are brand new just created original awards!